
A woman in a blue t-shirt stands in front of a sign inlayed in brick that says Streets Ministries
A woman in a blue t-shirt stands in front of a sign inlayed in brick that says Streets Ministries


近40年来, 365betapp下载学院 has partnered with Methodist Healthcare to offer the Hospital Internship course. This course (RELS 461) is designed to assist students in experiential learning about “the patient 经验” and interpersonal pre-professional relationships. 每年, 在春季学期, a group of students works with a Chaplain at the Methodist North Hospital to learn the basic skills of human interaction with patients and family members. Every Tuesday evening the Interns’ group meets on campus in a seminar setting for didactic sessions, 案例展示, 以及我们在医院经历的反思. 在接受适当的培训后, Interns are assigned to visit patients for 3 hours per week in a specific clinical area of the hospital. 实习生在牧师的密切监督下学习, and from the group’s conversations in the Tuesday evening class sessions, 但主要的学习是在病人的房间里, 在与病人和家属的接触中. 实习生与卫理公会的护士、治疗师和技术人员一起工作. Where possible, the program is tailored to the individual learning interests of students.

由于课程的“密切监督”部分, 报名人数上限为6人. 由于课程的“同伴小组学习”的组成部分, 最低入学人数为3人.

每年, 在秋季学期, informational sessions are offered to help students discern whether one of the College’s Internships might be a good “fit” for the student’s interests and gifts. The dates, times, and places for these sessions will be announced early in the Fall Semester.

An interview with the Instructor is required before a student may register for the Hospital Internship course. The prospective student is encouraged to attend the informational session, 然后联系导师安排面试.

Interested students may contact the Department of 宗教研究 (x3664) to begin the process of gathering general information about the Hospital Internship. 


Natey Kinzounza, 17岁 
如果你想要一个学期的同时服务和自我成长, the Methodist Hospital Chaplaincy Internship must be a part of your Rhodes 经验. The greatest gift this internship brought me was the realization that we live a most uncertain life. 允许自己伸展,倾听,安静. Every day is a good day, simply because we are of sound body and sound mind. 这个实习教会了我这些!

Andy Nguyen’18
The Rhodes-Methodist Hospital Chaplaincy is an internship 经验 that I would recommend to anyone—not only to those persons who are aspiring to work in the medical field. 是的, the internship did give me exposure to the clinical setting; however, 更重要的是,它让我接触到病人独特的生活. 探访病人并不是一件容易的事. Indeed, it is difficult to carry conversations with people you do not even know. It is even more difficult to communicate with and relate to those who are facing illness. Ultimately, the internship gave me a firsthand glimpse of suffering, grief, 疼痛, and loss. Through this internship, I learned that helping someone does not require too much. 有时候,帮助仅仅是存在. If you are looking for an internship 经验 that will challenge the way you see the world, 其他人, 和你自己, 我强烈推荐你上这门课.

Throughout the semester I found myself involved in an 经验 that was unlike anything else I have ever been involved with here at Rhodes. It was a chance to learn about 其他人 as well as myself in a way that the typically classroom 经验 does not provide for. The Internship through the Chaplain’s office at Methodist was an exploration into healthcare as well as personal development. 在这学期的课程中, 我去医院看望病人, 了解他们的生活经历, 疼痛, 幸福, 有时甚至是宗教. 我不仅对我拜访的病人有了更多的了解, 但每一次经历, 我对自己有了新的认识. 这次实习让我明白,有时候是O.K. to not have the answer and that sometimes the only thing that we want to hear is that we don’t always know. Knowing is not what is important, but feeling is essential to understanding. 不管我是在说话还是在沉默地坐着, 这是一种理解和接受. This class showed me more about myself than I was always ready to see, but it was a good thing. I learned about caring from many different perspectives and now have an application to my 经验.

关于我的实习经历,我能说些什么? 它挑战了我. I signed up for it because a friend of mine had taken the class a year before, 看起来很有趣. Besides, I wanted to be a doctor, and this would be some good hospital 经验. I thought that I would talk to patients and observe the hospital environment, 但这只是部分正确. I quickly learned that every patient I talked to, every room I entered was a different 经验. I listened to some patients who would cry out their frustration with disease, 我听其他人只是抱怨食物. I listened to patients tell me their difficulties about their hospital stay and family life, and I also listened to patients tell me about their progress and accomplishment. I did not gain a clinical 经验; I gained personal, patient, human 经验. 这个实习
will not help me treat a disease, but it will help me treat a patient. 我受到医院另一边的挑战,活生生的那一面. 我受到挑战,了解到疾病可能是典型的, 但是病人是独一无二的, 每个病人都有一个独特的故事, 经验, 以及他的生活背景.

Interning as a chaplain for a semester was one of the biggest learning 经验s I had in all my years at Rhodes. 上学期我想去实习, and the Chaplain Internship offered through the 宗教研究 department was the only one I considered. 因为我打算大学毕业后去做牧师, 我知道这对我来说将是一次很好的经历, 希望这不会太难. Well, it turned out to be a great 经验 for me and it was extremely hard. It wasn’t hard because of the work load, but because it was so emotionally challenging. It’s not easy to spend a few hours each week at a hospital talking to hurting people. Sometimes you enjoy it, but sometimes you feel like you just can’t do it anymore. If you want an internship that will challenge you and force you to learn about yourself as you learn how to help 其他人, 那就选这个吧. 这将是一个颠簸的过程,但你最终会变得更强大.

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