A Place Like No Other

A young woman precisely measures liquid in a test tube.

Finding Perspective

A young man in a gray sweatshirt.

Gaarrison Holran's journey at Rhodes combines rigorous academics and real-world experiences, shaping him into a future leader.


The Right Fit

A young black woman in a blue mock turtleneck and stylish denim jacket.

Asya Bray's academic journey at Rhodes, sparked by her Chicago Scholars connection, led her to a community that feels like home. 


Discover Memphis

A young man with long brown hair, a light blue ring neck shirt and light gray sports jacket.

Tanner Chapman, a Houston native studying international studies, sees Rhodes as his launchpad for growth in Memphis.


Explore Your Options

A young woman with straight black hair in a short sleeved pink v-neck.

At Rhodes, Emma McHale pairs tough academics with tennis and orchestra, making her journey from Atlanta special.


Campus Culture

First-year student Talal Siddiq found a sense of belonging at Rhodes, a transformative community in the heart of Memphis.


Moving South

Neuroscience major Gabriele Kozik found her perfect fit at Rhodes, where she's making the most of every opportunity.


Scholar Athlete

a young man with red hair wearing a salmon colored polo shirt.

Colin Seymore, an economics and business major from Sacramento, CA, is both a dedicated athlete and high-achieving student.


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